Chapter 1

TOD Database Overview

The Center for Transit-Oriented Development’s (CTOD) TOD Database is a series of data reports on every existing and proposed fixed guideway transit station area in the U.S. (as of October 2011). Nearly 70,000 data characteristics are provided for 4,416 existing stations and 1,583 proposed stations in 54 metros, for the households and housing units within a walkable 1/2 mile and 1/4 radius (transit zone) of each station.

The TOD Database was originally created in 2003 and 2004, using the National Transportation Atlas Database (NTAD). It was the primary source of information for the first ever national TOD market study, conducted by the CTOD, Hidden in Plain Sight: Capturing the Demand for Housing Near Transit, in September 2004. Since the creation of the database, there have been a considerable number of updates, including the current user-friendly mapping website.

Using geographic information systems (GIS), the National TOD Database aggregates data and creates a statistical output for individual transit zones, selected groups of transit zones, and transit regions. Available data includes household and demographic data from the US Census 2000, Census 2010 and American Community Survey 2005-09 5 Year Estimates; 2002-2009 Local Employment Dynamics on residence and workplace characteristics and quarterly workforce indicators where available; and journey to work information from the Census Transportation Planning Package. Housing and transportation affordability data from CNT’s Housing and Transportation (H+T®) Affordability Index is also incorporated.

The website allows users to view maps of the transit region, select stations of interest, and choose data reports from a menu. Users can click on the map to view snapshots of data, link to standard reports, or create customized data reports. Reports can be downloaded in both Microsoft Word and Excel formats as well as CSV. Station locations are also available for download as a CSV file.

The TOD Database provides an unprecedented tool for planners, developers, transit agencies, elected officials, advocates, academics and others to develop and support TOD in US cities.